the basics
it's nice to meet you - my name is halcyon [hal see uhn]! and others*! i am a/an/the
???. any pronous work for me; i don't see any personal importance of them. i was born in the winter of the late 2000s & have a tendency to write back at odd times.
i am considered to be many things, but one thing i am and will forever be is a disabled, butch, queer thing living in the midwestern US.
this site is primarly for personal reasons, as [insert currenty collasping social media platform(s) here] tends to fail me quite a bit, and leaves me feeling throughly unsatifised and angry with myself - and the world. here, i hope to make friends, or at least be able to observe those who come to vist. you are welcome any time; there will always be warm soup and a chair waiting for you.
* aka emery, birdie. . . !
i don't give out many ways of communication unless i believe to know you well. as of right now, my email ( is open to anyone who wants to contact me, as well as my tumblr page (fanghusbandd). safe travels!